Welcome to the Community BioRefineries (CBR) official website!

Explore our site, gain insight, and join us in our mission to revolutionize the biofuels industry - sustainably!

First and foremost, we are a true biorefinery with the ultimate mission of producing bio-butanol on a commercial scale.  We are NOT focused on ethanol.  In doing so, we create many high-value co-products which lower production costs and create added revenues.  Those who partner with us get all that as well!

PLEASE KNOW:  CBR and its process are not a “one trick pony”.  We are not a single focus company creating a single product, described as a 2-dimensional company.  Unfortunately, many who show interest in us are stuck with that mindset and, as a result, get confused or cannot understand why we don’t have a simple set of figures which conveniently describe everything within a simple document.

CBR is a 3-dimensional company - unlike any other.  We utilize many plant materials to create multiple useful end products:

  • Highly nutritious Food and Nutraceutical products;
  • Green energy;
  • Bioplastics;
  • Next Generation Biofuels - and much more.
  • No waste; no heat or chemicals involved in production;
  • Every molecule used for a positive purpose.

CBR makes bio-butanol on an industrial scale, which many are attempting to but have yet to succeed.

Just a bit of a preview before you get into all the good stuff: 

This website is unlike most other websites you may have visited.  There is a great deal of information included here, not because we want to brag, but mostly because we are largely required to.

Before diving into all the intriguing details, here’s a quick heads-up:

This site is designed to support an on-line Private Offering by providing some initial ‘due diligence’ information to anyone considering partnering with us financially.  (Currently, there is no active Offering in place.)  As such, the site is a bit more “robust” than most others you may encounter.

Community BioRefineries, LLC is a biofuels company; our focus is on bio-butanol.  It took decades to figure out how to make it on a commercial scale - sustainably and economically - and still remain friends with the EPA.

Since forever, making bio-butanol strictly from plant materials had been deemed impossible.  NO ONE has been able to create bio-butanol on a commercial scale and sustainably – until we came along.  Until now, only the petrochemical form of butanol had been possible.                                                                       

*CBR cracked the code on producing plant material-based bio-butanol on a commercial scale – sustainably.

Petroleum (oil) companies get their fuels source from BELOW ground; CBR creates its biofuels with renewable and sustainable plant sources from ABOVE ground.

It took us, in concert with the USDA and several leading universities, decades to figure out how to make it on a commercial scale, sustainably – AND – in a way that is financially viable.

Along the way, we stumbled upon a treasure trove of other co-products, adding a whole new dimension to our process and its sustainability, giving our process a “food side” as well as the “fermentation side” necessary for our bio-butanol.  The “food side” enables the “fermentation side” to succeed.

You will encounter a lot of information about our background and why we can (and must) do what we do.  The multiple technologies involved must be arranged in series.  Take away one of them and the process cannot function properly.

We just described “integrated technologies”.  Our process is a delicate dance of multiple applied technologies, all working in tandem – all without the need for heat or chemicals, producing zero waste, and remaining carbon neutral.

CBR: 1) uses no heat or chemicals; 2) creates ZERO waste; 3) is carbon neutral.

At the end of the day, the CBR process creates many products, making the company even more financially sustainable AND enables us to solve the “Food vs. Fuel” debate.  We don’t just make bio-butanol– it creates a myriad of products, bolstering our financial sustainability while resolving the “Food vs. Fuel” debate.

What is the “bottom line” for the Community BioRefineries (CBR) project?  CBR pioneered the continuous production of bio-butanol exclusively from plant materials, offering a true biofuel devoid of any petroleum.                                                                      

*CBR makes Bio-Butanol – continuously and on a commercial scale – exclusively from plant materials.                                                                                                                                           

*CBR’s bio-butanol is a true biofuel (i.e., zero petroleum content).                                          

*The rest of its capabilities and products described in this website are all part of the deal.

Why Bio-Butanol?  What’s the big deal about Bio-Butanol?                                                     

* Bio-butanol is a green, renewable, and sustainable biofuel without the baggage of ethanol.       

Bio-butanol can be run straight through an engine without any modifications.                            

* Bio-butanol is the basis of the Next Generation of Biofuels (per the UN).                                    

* Bio-butanol is at the heart of Sustainable Aircraft Fuel (SAF), also called true bio-jet fuel.                

* Bio-butanol can be made from many different plant sources – not just corn.

SUSTAINABLE AIRCRAFT FUEL (SAF) and Community BioRefineries

# With the process perfection of creating true bio-butanol on a commercial scale, an entirely new door opened for us.  Why?  The government has mandated that, for example, commercial airlines must include not less than 10% of their jet fuel consumption with bio-jet fuel, known as SAF, by 2030.

# Technically, it might not be as difficult as it sounds, since Department of Energy’s definition of “biofuel” provided for two types:  true and derived.  Most are familiar with derived biofuel as it is nothing more than a petroleum fuel with a renewable alcohol of some type added to it.  Ethanol is the most commonly used, and, it has definite draw-backs, but it easily “checks the box”.  Unfortunately, its properties are insufficient for any fuels requiring specific performance parameters, such as for jet fuels.
# A recent article highlighted a “new and exciting” new SAF which call for two renewable alcohols, one of which is ethanol (produced via an extremely expensive process); the other is to help provide the fuel’s lubricating properties.  Unfortunately, this formula also requires the inclusion of gasoline for its explosive characteristic within the engine.  Really?  While it also “checks the box”, how many pilots will be comforted knowing their jet aircraft has gasoline making it go?

# Enter the Community BioRefineries (CBR).  CBR’s process is focused on creating bio-butanol, an actual renewable alcohol, with the chemical footprint similar to gasoline, but without the volatility of gasoline.  CBR’s bio-butanol can be produced using almost any plant source on a continuous basis.  CBR also produces bio-kerosene as the basis for TRUE SAF/bio-jet fuel.  All the ingredients for a deliverable bio-jet fuel are present at the same CBR – and, at a fraction of the cost of most any derived bio-jet fuel.

# Fun things to Know and Tell:  During WWII, the British used bio-butanol to fuel their high-performance fighter aircraft because of Germany’s oil embargo.  After the war, oil was a nickel a barrel and bio-butanol was put on a shelf and forgotten – until our founder took it from the shelf, improved on it, and created the very first (and patented) biodiesel fuel.  He even trademarked the term “biodiesel”.

# CBR’s production process has been validated and verified by a third-party engineering firm.  The only thing that CBR requires is the funding necessary to commercialize its process to enable the full-scale production of SAF, as well as its nutraceutical products and bio-plastics, to name just a couple product categories.

# If this is so wonderful, why hasn’t CBR been buried in commercialization funding?  We have had no shortage of investors of one sort or another approach us.  The bad news is that they turned out to be in the “creeps, cheats, and thieves” category.  They wished to seize control of the company, or, to gain ownership of the company – all so they could break up the company and sell off is parts.  There have also been instances where efforts to bury us altogether were made.  Not a single one of these people understood how to make the process work, only what it created – nor did they care.  Only to make a quick bunch and move on - or to eliminate a perceived competitor.

# We seek true and serious investors – those who want to partner with us, not speculators looking to make a short-term profit and move on.

We hope you will become enlightened and motivated by our Community BioRefineries website!                 

Explore our site, gain insight, and join us in our mission to revolutionize the biofuel industry – sustainably!

A quick footnote:  the term true biofuels has been used several times on this page.  In conjunction with the Renewable Fuels Act, the Department of Energy published the "official" definition of what a biofuel is.  A TRUE biofuel has no petroleum present in any amount; a DERIVED biofuel is largely a traditional petroleum fuel with some percentage of a renewable alcohol (like ethanol) added to it.