
Bio-Butanol: Empowering Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

Butanol is a petrochemical; Bio-Butanol : Is a natural and perpetually renewable organic alcohol. An alcohol derived from various feedstocks through fermentation, serving as a versatile biofuel. (Note: We do not make ethanol.)

Bio-Butanol vs. Ethanol:

Bio-butanol (C4H10O) and ethanol (C2H5OH) possess distinct chemical structures that significantly influence their properties and applications as biofuels.

  • Ethanol (C2H5OH):
    • Two-carbon chain
    • Lower energy density
    • Higher hygroscopicity (absorbs more water, leading to corrosion and phase separation in fuel systems)
  • Bio-butanol (C4H10O):
    • Four-carbon chain
    • Higher energy content
    • Chemical structure more akin to gasoline (predominantly octane, C8H18)
    • Lower volatility and less hygroscopicity, blending seamlessly with gasoline and functioning efficiently in internal combustion engines without modifications

What is Bio-Butanol?

Bio-butanol is derived from biomass sources such as corn, industrial hemp, and dairy waste through patented fermentation processes. With a chemical structure (C4H10O) closely resembling that of gasoline, it is a four-carbon alcohol offering:

  • Higher energy content
  • Lower volatility
  • Less hygroscopicity compared to ethanol (C2H5OH)

These properties make bio-butanol a versatile and efficient biofuel, compatible with existing gasoline engines without requiring modifications.

Per the United Nations, BioButanol is considered to be the basis for the Next Generation of Biofuels.

Advantages of Bio-Butanol for SAF:

  • Integrates into Existing Infrastructure: Enhances sustainability and economic viability.
  • Compatibility: Works with current fuel distribution systems and engines.
  • Environmental Benefits: Potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, crucial for the next generation of biofuels aimed at reducing the transportation sector's carbon footprint, including aviation.

The Role of Community BioRefineries:

Community BioRefineries produce bio-butanol through revolutionary continuous flow fermentation processes integrated into waste stream treatments. Bio-butanol, as a drop-in fuel with a chemical footprint more similar to gasoline than ethanol, operates efficiently in automobiles without modifications. This contributes to:

  • Regional economic development
  • Environmental stewardship

Bio-Butanol: The Next Big Biofuel

Bio-butanol has a rich historical legacy, dating back to its crucial role in fermenting sugar-based feedstocks into butanol during the WWII. Bio-butanol plants operated across numerous countries, laying the foundation for its recognition as a resilient and versatile biofuel option. These facilities harnessed the fermenting abilities of specific microorganisms to generate acetone, butanol, and ethanol from organic feedstocks, showcasing bio-butanol's potential as a sustainable fuel source.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from Bio-Butanol

Derived from bio-butanol, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) represents a promising advancement in aviation fuel technology. With an energy content closely mirroring traditional jet fuel kerosene, SAF offers a seamless transition to greener aviation.

  • Historical Significance: Prominent during World War II, fueling high-performance aircraft amid an oil embargo.
  • Next-Generation SAF Biofuel: Renewability and engine compatibility.
  • Federal Mandates: Incorporation of at least 10% SAF into commercial airlines' fuel consumption by 2030.
  • Market Projections: 3 billion gallons by 2030 and 35 billion gallons by 2050, driven by the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge.

Community BioRefineries: Ready for the Future of Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Community BioRefineries is poised to play a critical role in the future of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) by producing it continuously from diverse plant and dairy sources. With third-party independent engineering validation of our processes and products, we are ready for commercialization. This readiness positions us to significantly contribute to the aviation industry's decarbonization efforts and to meet federal sustainability goals.